With the main part of the base designed to look like a garage, one will additionally find a variety of vehicles on display – including a red monowheel bike.

Upon reaching the base of one of these trees, the player will suddenly find themselves transported into a secret underground bunker, complete with mercenaries and FBI agents standing guard. Players will have to access this via some form of water transport, and carefully seek out a portion of land standing two trees side-by-side. 15 Inside The Humane LabsĪt much more elusive part of the map, this hidden area can be located among one of the tiny islands of the Pacific Ocean. That said, here are the 15 Grand Theft Auto V Secret Areas That You Had No Idea About. These range from tiny, yet useful areas that can shelter players from potential enemies, to simply creepy, mysterious locations that hold a number of unanswered questions.

However, there are quite a few hidden and little-known locations scattered about the map that only the most observant players have been able to find.

With the wide variety of air, water, and land vehicles to boot, this makes exploring the world of GTA all the more enticing. Being a highly expansive game with hundreds of different areas and locations, its easy to get lost in the exciting adventures one can go on in San Andreas. This is unsurprising considering what the game has to offer – providing players with a large, open-world map to explore and enjoy all the virtual free will they please. Gamers and fans of entertainment alike will have known of Grand Theft Auto: Vand its massive success in the pop culture sphere, with its record-breaking sales and status as the fastest-selling entertainment product in history.